Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Scattered Thoughts.

Baffled Thought:  I have a confession. I do not like Big Bang Theory. I've tried. I've watched multiple episodes. Despite being a card-carrying geek my whole life, I can't stand that show. It's not only *not* funny to me, I also find it stupidly-pandering, with 'geek' references that come off as desperate and off-putting. As opposed to Community, which I love, and feel is the exact opposite. I wonder if I'm the only one that feels that way. Is this what geeks who don't like Star Wars feel like? Personal opinions are a strange and funny thing.

Depressed Thought:  Have you ever been hanging out with a group of relatively new people, either at school, or work, or online, or wherever, and you feel like you've gotten to not only know them pretty well, but actually kind of like them? And then completely out of the blue, they casually and repeatedly drop a racist / bigoted / phobic / sexist hate word, like 'nigger', 'cunt', 'tranny', 'faggot', or 'retard'? And it's like a punch to your emotional stomach? You wonder if confronting them would do any good, but realize they've made it clear how they feel about 'others'? So you just walk away, wondering how you could have been so completely wrong about them? Yeah, that feeling is the worst.

Happy Thought:  If the entire world could sit down and eat my African Curry Chicken and homemade apple pie, there would be no more war. I'm just sayin'.

Wishful Thought:  I've said it before, I'll say it again: Shoot the next Fantastic Four movie with retro lenses, lighting, and studio logos, but with cutting edge effects, and have it take place entirely in the 60's. Shoot Doctor Strange dirty grindhouse style (roughed-up prints and all), lace the story with Lovecraft-esque horror and have it take place in the 70's. Not everything has to be contemporary.

Exhausted Thought:  My boyfriend took me to see The Dark Knight Rises. That movie is 8 hours long, two hours wide, and 6 full hours around. Impressive-looking, but too much to take and still be enjoyable.

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